Money transfers in Timor-Leste

Compare money transfer services to Timor-Leste

We compare money transfer providers with cash pickup option, such as Western Union, MoneyGram and others.

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There are several ways to transfer money to Timor-Leste, and the speed and cost of your money transfers will depend on the method you choose. Using online platforms and apps for money transfers to Timor-Leste is faster and more convenient for both the sender and the recipient, as it is much cheaper.

Money transfers to Timor-Leste from other countries

Send money to Timor-Leste

If you are planning to transfer money to Timor-Leste, whether it is a one-time or ongoing transfer, you should carefully study the offer market. Only in this way you will be able to choose a reliable service provider and be sure that the actions performed are safe in terms of your finances.

How to send money to Timor-Leste

1. Find a reliable service

On our website you will find a detailed list of companies that can help you transfer money to Timor-Leste. Compare the features of the providers, study their offers, find out which conditions are most beneficial for you and make your choice.

2.Register in the selected system

After you have chosen a payment system, you should directly register in it. Registration with most providers is free, but for further work you need to provide your real passport data (name and surname), address and phone number.

3. Transfer money

Once you have completed the registration and received the approval and verification in the system, you can proceed to transfer money to Timor-Leste.

Ways to send and receive money in Timor-Leste

Sending money to Timor-Leste

You may have reasons to send money to Timor-Leste. You can support your family and friends financially, you can send money for goods or your business partners. Regardless of the reasons for sending money, you can use the official services that offer this service.

Transfers in the interbank system

Take advantage of direct transfers between banks via SWIFT. Keep in mind that the fees for such a service are sometimes very high. Such transfers are usually executed within 3-5 business days.

Online money transfer systems

There are many platforms, such as Western Union, that allow instant money transfers from one country to another. The withdrawal is made in cash, and the commission depends on the country to which and from which the money is transferred.

Receiving money in Timor-Leste

To receive your money in Timor-Leste, the recipient only needs to provide two things:

  • transaction number (it is always different depending on the chosen system);
  • passport of a Timor-Leste citizen in whose name the transfer was made.

As for the latter, you do not need to be a Timor-Leste citizen to receive your remittance. If you have a passport of a foreign citizen in whose name the remittance was made, and you also provide a transaction number that the sender will receive at the time of the remittance. If the transaction number and passport details match, you will be able to receive your transfer in the system.

Common reasons to send money to Timor-Leste

Supporting the family

Many people try to support their families even abroad.

Buying services and goods

Even if they are abroad or work there permanently, many people need goods and services that are only available in Timor-Leste.

Repatriation of income

Many people are forced to send part of their income to Timor-Leste for personal reasons that do not have to be disclosed at all.

Acquisition of property

Many people who work abroad plan to buy property in another country. In this case, a transfer of funds may be required.


In order to properly manage their income, many people prefer to send their money to other countries for safekeeping.

Why send money through a money transfer service?

Faster transfers

Usually, bank transfers require 3 to 5 employees, which is significantly faster than bringing the money yourself. However, many systems offer instant transfers, which is another undeniable advantage in favor of this service.

Easy registration

You do not need to fill out a lot of tedious forms and wait for a response from the authorities. Registration is almost instantaneous with the provision of real personal data, thanks to which the transfer will be carried out.

Low exchange rate spread

If you need to exchange currency, you can use the additional service of money transfer systems. Here the currency exchange is carried out on favorable terms for you.

Low transfer fees

Low transfer fees make these services accessible to everyone. The larger the amount you transfer, the more favorable conditions the money transfer system offers you.

Support for multiple currencies

Regardless of the currency you work with, money transfer systems can convert almost any currency into the one you need.


You can be completely sure of the safety of your funds. The system will keep them until the recipient receives them with an official confirmation. Fraudsters will not be able to access your transfer.

What to consider when sending money to Timor-Leste?

There are a few things to consider when sending money to Timor-Leste:

  1. Taxes on the income of both legal entities and individuals.
  2. Exchange rate fluctuations in the recipient's country.
  3. This may affect the amount that the recipient has "on hand".

This may affect the amount received "on hand" from the recipient.

How do we compare?

We select all the service providers and then compare the working conditions with each of them. Here you can make a detailed comparison of each provider's services, interest payments and the timing of the transfer. We also rely on the opinions of real users who leave their comments and follow all the news that appears about these systems.

You can also use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to transfer money to Timor-Leste from any country in the world.


What is the best way to send money to Timor-Leste?

The best and most profitable system is TransferWise. It works the fastest and with the lowest commission.

What is the easiest way to send money to Timor-Leste?

TransferWise is the easiest and most convenient way to send.

What is the cheapest way to send money to Timor-Leste?

The cheapest way to send money is OFX.

What is the fastest way to send money to Timor-Leste?

The fastest ways are Western Union systems, as well as Ria Money Transfer, which have proven themselves all over the world.

How can I find out the current exchange rates in Timor-Leste?

In the sender service, you can get all the necessary information about the current status of the currency exchange for both countries (for the sender and for the recipient).