Money Transfer Services from Kazakhstan to Lithuania

Compare the best money transfer services from Kazakhstan to Lithuania.

How to send money from Kazakhstan to Lithuania quickly and easily? Compare money transfer providers with cash pickup in Lithuania - save on fees and find the closest money transfer address.

Send money from Kazakhstan to Lithuania online

Money transfer services with Cash points in Kazakhstan and Lithuania

ServiceFeeLocations in KazakhstanCash pickup in Lithuania
0$ - 2$: 2%
3$ - 4$: 1.67%
5$ - 6$: 1.6%
show all
Locations in Kazakhstan:
1053 addresses in 122 cities
Cash pickup in Lithuania:
83 addresses in 35 cities
0$ - 100$: 10$
101$ - 250$: 18$
251$ - 400$: 24$
show all
Locations in Kazakhstan:
365 addresses in 78 cities
Cash pickup in Lithuania:
76 addresses in 31 cities
Locations in Kazakhstan:
781 addresses in 79 cities
Cash pickup in Lithuania:
325 addresses in 156 cities
Locations in Kazakhstan:
604 addresses in 24 cities
Cash pickup in Lithuania:
294 addresses in 8 cities

How to send money from the Kazakhstan to Lithuania?

To transfer money from the Kazakhstan to Lithuania you can use SWIFT transfers, a system for transferring money, or a bank card to bank card transfer.

SWIFT transfers are a popular option for international money transfers, as they are secure and reliable. The process involves providing the recipient's bank account details, including their bank's SWIFT code. Once the transfer is initiated, it may take a few days for the funds to be credited to the recipient's account.

Additionally, some banks offer online money transfer services from the Kazakhstan to Lithuania that allow you to send money to a recipient's bank account using your own bank account. This can be done through the bank's website or mobile app. Finally, some banks also offer bank cards to bank card transfers, which allow you to send money directly to a recipient's bank card. This option is usually faster than traditional bank transfers, but may come with higher fees.

Comparing Online Money Transfer Services: Sending Money from Kazakhstan to Lithuania

Online money transfer services, such as PayPal or TransferWise, can be a convenient option for sending money from the Kazakhstan to Lithuania. These services typically charge a lower fee than banks and allow for quick and easy transfers. However, it is important to compare fees and exchange rates before choosing a service to ensure that the recipient receives the maximum amount of money possible.

Overall, there are several options available for sending money from the Kazakhstan to Lithuania, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to research and compare these options to find the best one for your specific needs and circumstances.

You can find detailed information about each method of sending money from the Kazakhstan to Lithuania on this page. Our website will show you a list of the main systems and all possible ways to avoid risks in international transactions. We wish you secure money transfers and reliable providers.


How to calculate taxes on foreign payments?

If for some reason the bank's rate on that day was higher than the Central Bank's rate (the rarest case), the "service" received is also taxed. It is easier to follow this point than to deal with additional calculations.

How much is the commission for your service?

We do not charge any commission from the users of our system.

How trustworthy is the information on your website?

The information on our website is transparent, independent and verified by independent experts